Thank you everyone who made it to the Houston DanceSport Classic competition on November 6, 2022. It was a great comp and we had a good time. Special congratulations to our little competitors. Tobi and Naya who got 1st places in all their events.
This was their first competition together and they danced awesome! Tobi and Naya started dancing together just a couple of months ago. They worked really hard preparing for this competitions taking group dance classes and private coaching dance lessons.
Also, special thanks to all the parents who came with us to the competition. We very much appreciate your help getting kids ready to compete. As they say it takes a village to raise a child. Family support is essential to raising a good dancer.
Our special thanks go to DanceSport Club's instructors and coaches Denis and Jeanette who invested a lot of their time in teaching this young promising couple how to dance as well as coaching them how to compete. Great results.